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Social Enterprise – What’s The Vision? EnhanceSE workshop

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When: Thursday 22 February

Time: 9:15 am - 12:30 pm

Location: Studio


Social Enterprises exist to make a difference. Having clarity about the vision, values and ethos that drive your social enterprise is vital for any leader. This workshop will help participants: explore ways to communicate that vision to a range of audiences; explore stakeholder engagement and relationship development; and consider social impact – gathering evidence, reporting and reviewing on your performance and difference made. It will draw on social enterprise case studies, best practise and the latest Leadership thinking, and provide some useful tools and tips for those in leadership roles.

This workshop is the second in the Better Leaders = Better Business! Series, exploring Leadership in Social Enterprise. Book tickets here.

Better Leaders = Better Business!

Having the necessary business skills to achieve long term sustainability is critical, but how many of us possess the natural leadership to inspire our team and share a vision of success yet to happen? Commitment, confidence, clarity, communication and an honest ability to understand ourselves are critical elements in a social enterprise leader’s toolkit.

Better Leaders = Better Business! workshops are designed to develop those leadership and management skills. The workshops provide a chance to explore your leadership style, to share challenges and seek solutions to leading staff and volunteers through often choppy waters in a fast-changing environment. They provide a safe space to reflect on your own practise, and the vision and direction of your organisation. Drawing on examples from social and commercial enterprise, the workshops will help learners to build their own leadership toolkit, and thus increase the potential social impact their organisations can create.

Attendees registered through the Enhance Social Enterprise (Enhance SE) programme can also benefit from business mentoring, picking up on some of the themes addressed in this and other forthcoming workshops.

Audience: This workshop will appeal to staff within social enterprises who are, or aspire to be, in leadership roles, whatever the size of the organisation. This may include team leaders, project leaders, CEO’s, but not exclusively.

Cost: This workshop is FREE to social enterprises registered on the #EnhanceSE Social Enterprise ERDF Programme. Registering for the programme entitles eligible social enterprises to access up to 12 hours of support (through workshops and tailored mentoring). This workshop is part of a programme of support available to eligible social enterprises to enable them to grow their skills and expertise, and in doing so, grow their social business. All eligible attendees will need to complete a short online registration form before or on the day. Please check here to see if you are eligible https://www.heartofswgrowthhub.co.uk/gsp-apply/ and register for #EnhanceSE PRIOR to booking onto the event. When registering online for the #EnhanceSE Programme please ensure, after the “Are you a social enterprise” question, that you add in the notes: “Please refer straight through to Enhance Social Enterprise Support – Cosmic”. Thank you.

NB. Registering for Enhance SE is different to booking for this workshop – you also need to hit the Register button to register for this workshop!

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