Also under the Red Brick Building umbrella is Bridie’s Farm; 20 acres of land that is being developed for the Glastonbury Food and Regenerative Farming Centre project, funded by the Glastonbury Town Deal. 

Originating from a decade of community led cultivation and collaboration with Feed Avalon and other stakeholders in the Red Brick Building Community Garden, the project maintains its core ethos of community leadership and inclusivity.

Bridie’s Farm aims to engage conscientious land management by adopting agroecological practices, revitalising and establishing wildlife habitats, and offering educational opportunities, training and employment. Partnerships with like-minded organisations and connections with educational institutions and universities will facilitate and embed the learning and share the knowledge.

The overarching goal is to foster food resilience and sustainability, thereby reducing food miles and promoting local food production. Growers of all ages and backgrounds will be taught land management techniques aimed at improving soil health, supporting diversity and enriching natural ecosystems.

Produce from the farm will supply the upcoming community canteen at the Red Brick Building, where courses in cooking and serving food will be available to the community.

The farm will also serve as a versatile platform for community initiatives, such as a forest school. There will be a significant emphasis on green care and wellbeing, with a focus on therapeutic and social prescribing opportunities.

If you would like to get involved or find out more about the project, please email [email protected]