Some staff from Bocabar and the Red Brick Building recently attended First Aid training. As part of it, they learnt how to use a defibrillator and the importance of having quick, easy access to one.
The nearest lifesaving defibrillator to the Red Brick Building is at the Fire Station in Glastonbury. We’d like to have one here to serve local people and visitors to the Building.Around 260,000 people a year in the UK suffer a heart attack – that’s equivalent to one every two minutes. Unfortunately, around 30% of these die before ever reaching hospital.
Costing around £1,300 for the machine and some training on how to use it, we have already raised 10% of the cost and are now fundraising for the remainder. We’re asking local businesses and the community to support our campaign. Every £1 helps!
Thanks for your support.
the Red Brick Team