RBB Blog


History of Art: the Bigger Picture

It has been an absolute pleasure to lead this lovely  group of  local U3A members  in a subject so compatible with the vibrant, creative and friendly space that is the Red Brick Building. My arrival in Glastonbury has timed itself perfectly with the burgeoning development of this great local  amenity and I am delighted to be a part of this.

I am a retired history teacher and independent art historian with a deep commitment to lifelong learning and a passionate belief in affordable access to knowledge, expertise and enhancement at any age.

‘History of Art: the Bigger Picture’ perfectly encapsulates my approach which aims to take my group’s encounters with art on a journey beyond the individual work  into its wider context of  production and consumption. Thus we consider social, political, cultural, technological and economic factors as well as comparative works. We also try to decipher hidden meanings in the art and to think about how it may have been displayed, viewed and understood in its own time as well as ours.  Slide presentations are accompanied by recordings of music from the period, short videos, and handouts. The choice of focus works allows for breadth and richness of experience in terms of genre, period, nationality, ethnicity, gender and medium.

Plans are afoot for more U3A sessions in the afternoon, but I am also happy to discuss evening and weekend sessions for different age groups which could be tailored according to need.

For more information feel free to contact me on  01458 832178 and [email protected]

Joanna Cobb

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Red Brick Building Centre Ltd, Morland Enterprise Park, Morland Road, Glastonbury, Somerset, BA6 9FT

Community Benefit Society

The Red Brick Building is a Community Benefit Society, which does what it says on the tin! We’re focused on creating exciting experiences and opportunities for all to share. Profits are not distributed among members, or external shareholders, but returned to the RBB community…for your benefit!