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Write a Novel in a Year Course with Alison Knight

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When: Saturday 11 January

Time: 10:30 am - 4:30 pm

Cost: £60

Location: Studio


Write a Novel in a Year Course

With Alison Knight


Write your novel with support from the first word to ‘The End’ and beyond


Do you have an idea for a novel but don’t know where to start? Have you started a novel but lost your momentum? Let Imagine help you to realise your dream through this five-part course to take you from the first word to ‘The End’ and beyond to editing, blurb writing and how to find a publisher.



Saturday 11th January 2020

Saturday 25th April 2020

Saturday 18th July 2020

Saturday 17th October 2020

Saturday 16th January 2021



All workshops 10.30am – 4.30pm



£60 per day (price includes tutor support throughout the year)


For more info and to book:

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 01458 443716

Event Organiser

Imagine Creative Writing Workshop

01458 443716


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