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Red Brick Building AGM, Networking and 5th Birthday Celebration 22nd January 2018

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When: Monday 22 January

Time: 7:00 pm - 9:30 pm

Cost: Free

Location: The Event Space


The Red Brick Building will be holding its AGM followed by a Networking Event celebrating the RBBs 5th Birthday! This is open to all and is being held on January 22nd 2018 (postponed from 27th November 2017).

Notice is hereby given of the Annual General Meeting

of The Red Brick Building Centre, to be held in the Event Space, Red Brick Building,  Morland Road, Glastonbury at 7pm Monday 22nd January 2018. Followed by a consultation and network session.

We require a minimum of 10% of our members to attend to ensure the meeting can go ahead. Please register here to let us know you are coming. If you can’t make it please complete and return the proxy form so your vote can be counted.

1. Apologies received.
2. To approve the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 28th November 2016.
3. To receive and approve the Chair’s Report, Financial Accountants Report and Fiscal Accounts.
4. To re-appoint the following Directors who must stand down by rotation: Rory Weightman and Gareth Mills
5. To receive nominations to the RBBC Board and offer nominated persons for election.
6. To authorise the Board to set the remuneration of the Accountants
7. Red Brick Building Tenancy Services Report.
8. Any other Business.

Please click on the links below for all the documents.
RBB AGM 2017 Minutes 2016 AGM

RBB AGM 2018 Board Nominations

RBB AGM 2017 Red Brick Accounts 2016’17

RBBC Proxy Form AGM January 2018

RBB update for 22nd January 2018

Following the AGM, our networking event will give the opportunity to share your ideas and visions for the future of the building and how you could help fulfil our shared ideas. You could:
* become a member if you are not already one;
* join our amazing group of volunteers;
* apply to be a Board member

If you are thinking about becoming a director, please note directors will be expected to support the day-to-day management of the project, be it with fundraising, office management, communications, volunteer recruitment, building development or tenant support. In particular, this year we are looking for anyone interested in the roles of Secretary and Treasurer.

On behalf of the Board of the Red Brick Building Centre, I look forward very much to seeing you on January 22nd.

Sarah Sander-Jackson
Acting Secretary to the Board

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