Red Brick Building

But it was a shock I think Morlands going. I think it was just a shock to the whole town, because it was so much a part of the town and so many people worked there. And you know, nobody ever really imagined that would happen, we thought it would be there forever. But it was not to be.
[Wendy M, Morlands]

'In case of Fire'
Photo: John Fleming
‘In case of Fire’
Photo: John Fleming

‘Cos we thought, well I speak for myself, I thought this place were going to be like Tor Hill, how long that been up? It were going to be here forever.
Steve [Morlands]

Two of our friends, husband and wife, they were both made redundant on the same day, in that first lot that went that was just before Christmas, which was a shock.
[Wendy M, Morlands]

Disused drum
Photo: John Fleming
Disused drum
Photo: John Fleming

I was there to answer the phone – that’s what they had girls for . I was supposed to answer the phone but I wasn’t sure what I was meant to say. Nor were my bosses. It was scary.
[Shirley, Baily’s]

'Single File'
Photo: John Fleming
‘Single File’
Photo: John Fleming

I wasn’t able to look after my customers because the company wasn’t functioning properly from what I could tell. They weren’t supplying the right things or at the right time. And its very soul destroying when you are not giving customer service and that’s your job.
[Jackie, Morlands]

My brother went in in the morning, got told they had finished – he was down the yard. They finished at dinner time so he went in Friday morning to work as normal, finished Friday dinner time.
[Wendy F, Morlands]
